Friday, September 4, 2015

Why you need essential fatty acids......

We hear stuff all the time about fish oil, CLA, krill oil fatty acids, omega this, omega that.... etc etc etc.......


What ARE essential fatty acids anyways???

There are two essential fatty acids that your body cannot make. And therefore that you must get from your diet or supplements. These are Alpha Linoleic Acid, (omega 3) and Linoleic Acid (omega 6).


.....what a loaded question. Omega 6 fatty acids have gotten a bad rap lately, but they are ABSOLUTELY essential to our health. The problem is, with the way our American diets seem to go, loaded in oils, alot of us are getting way too many Omega 6's and not enough Omega 3's. Both Omega 6, and Omega 3 play CRUCIAL roles throughout our body including: growth and development, brain functioning, skin health, hair growth, metabolism, reproductive system health and cell membrane integrity.


  1. Omega 3's improve joint health. Studies suggest that Omega 3 decrease the breakdown of cartilage tissue, and Omega 3's may slow and reduce inflammation associated with osteoarthritis. 
  2. Omega 3's may reduce pain and onset muscle soreness.
  3. Omega 3's improve symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis including stiffness, tender or swollen joints, and joint pain.
  4. Omega 3's may lower your heart rate during exercise. 
  5. EPA and DHA are good for your heart. Your heart is our MOST IMPORTANT MUSCLE. This powerful duo is associated with a dose dependent decrease in triglycerides (fat in your blood), a slight decrease in blood pressure, and a decrease in heart attacks in those with history of heart attacks.

If you didn't already know this about me... I have one MESSED UP knee. I have been taking a Smart Blend of Advanced CLA, GLA, and Omega fatty acid complex..... and I kept thinking, "man, with all my kick boxing, jumping, squatting, happening, my knee sure has been doing really great....." NOW I KNOW WHY. I am living proof that these work. Our bodies are absolutely incredible, and the fact that we have been given knowledge of the things we need to eat, and supplement with to HELP our bodies perform at their best...... AMAZING. I am amazed everyday at how our bodies work. 

wanna know where I get mine..... direct link H E R E!